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The production organization and management of aviation manufacturing industry are complicated and the supply chain coordination is difficult

From design and test to production and manufacturing, aviation products cross different enterprises in the industrial chain. These enterprises are geographically dispersed and belong to the typical trans-enterprise and trans-regional collaboration. It is difficult to bring the industrial chain coordination and inconvenient to manage. The units responsible for production have many levels and long supporting chains. Finished product suppliers all over the world, contact inconvenience. Supply chain - industrial chain coordination is the main bottleneck of the development of aviation manufacturing industry.


According to the standard supply chain management model, the production of manufacturing products from the supplier to the core enterprise and then to the customer has the collaborative iteration of procurement, production, distribution, return and other links, which is a long collaborative process of value creation. Different industries differ greatly in their focus on the three-chain collaboration of industrial chain, supply chain and value chain. Industries such as process manufacturing and electronics tend to focus on procurement and inventory, and procurement costs account for a large proportion in the supply chain of these industries. Food and other industries pay attention to logistics and transportation, especially timeliness; The supply chain of defense equipment requires safety and control, sufficient guarantee, flexibility and agility. As a discrete manufacturing industry, aerospace industry due to its own industry characteristics, tend to emphasize total integrators traction of upstream and downstream coordination, focus on precision supply chain and lean production, through the pursuit of balanced production, realize from the product assembly, component/system to match, two with the precision of supply chain coordination, and seek cooperation with the supply chain, industry chain and value chain of the optimal capacity configuration.

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